COCOREADO, which is inspired by the Esperanto for co-creation, is a project designed to rebalance the position of the farmer as an individual actor, as a key player in innovative food supply chains, and as a supplier for public procurement. Based on the multi-actor approach and a deep understanding of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS), the project applies a three-fold approach to maximise impact, relying on ambassadorship, good practices, and a focus on youth. The project involves both academic and close-to-farmers partners across Europe, recognising regional differences and barriers in terms of replicability of good practices and regional opportunities in terms of solutions.
The project will encourage young people in rural areas to co-create innovative solutions that overcome obstacles for farmers, address consumer needs and improve the conditions for the sustainable public procurement of local and seasonal food.
COnnecting COnsumers and producers to REbalance farmers’ position through AmbassaDOrs trainings.