Local food systems, local food policies and public procurement of food and catering: When is local (more) sustainable?
From 26-27 September 2023, Oslo Metropolitan University (Norway) holds a conference on public procurement and local food systems.
Sustainable public procurement of food and catering services can be a powerful tool for transformation, by strategically using public purchasing power to attain economic, environmental, and social sustainability goals. “Buying local” is often advocated as a way to hit the “sustainability bull’s eye”: it is said to be more environmentally friendly, better for local suppliers and for the local economy, and better for local society. The conference discusses (a) whether and under which conditions buying local is indeed more sustainable, and (b) how municipalities can promote local food systems, beyond the use of public procurement.
Deadline for proposals for papers or presentations: 28 June 2023.
In case of questions, please contact:
- Kristin Reichborn-Kjennerud, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway, at kristin.reichborn-kjennerud@oslomet.no
- Nico Groenendijk, Inland University, Norway, at: nicolaas.groenendijk@inn.no or ngroe@oslomet.no