The COCOREADO project was launched during an online kick-off meeting on January 11th 2021 gathering the 13 consortium partners representing 9 different countries.
The project will run till June 2024.
Erik Mathijs and Tessa Avermaete (KULeuven), coordinators of the project, welcomed the participants and allowed everyone to introduce themselves, creating a very friendly and relaxed atmosphere that went on all through the three days of the project reunion.
Brief work presentation sessions were alternated with activities aimed at connecting the different participants of the project, in an attempt to give dynamism to a meeting which, due to the pandemic, had to be held online. Participants were also able to listen to a presentation of the sister projects COACH, led by the Coventry University, and Agrobridges, led by Q-Plan International Advisors. A strong collaboration among these three projects is envisaged.
This first meeting served to start making progress in some actions that will take the lead in the project development, such as the Call of Ambassadors. Mikelis Grīviņš, from the Baltic Research Center and leader of WP 5, explained the objectives of a Call that will be launched in September; a special workshop to discuss different aspects of the ambassador’s network and its objectives were held.
What is COCOREADO about?
This project is designed to rebalance the position of the farmer as an individual actor, as a key player in innovative food supply chains, and as a supplier for public procurement. Based on the multi-actor approach and a deep understanding of agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS), the project applies a three-fold approach to maximize impact, relying on ambassadorship, good practices, and a focus on youth. COCOREADO will foster opportunities for young people in rural areas to co-create innovative solutions that overcome current hurdles for farmers and respond to consumer needs, while simultaneously improving the conditions for sustainable public procurement of local and seasonal food.
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